Meet Oliver-Oliver is a owner surrender who is 8 months old. He is crate trained and uses a pinch collar for walks. Oliver is house trained and knows commands,down,sit,back,chill, off,and sometimes stay. Oliver has a lot of energy and is 113lbs right now so he is a big boy. Oliver is good with male and female dogs and he is fine with small dogs but sometimes the small dogs get scared of him because he likes to be everyone's friend and gets so excited when meeting other dogs he can be overwhelming to them. Oliver does still jump when excited and we are working with him on breaking that bad habit. In his previous home he was allowed on the furniture and on the bed at night. The reason he was surrendered is the owner is older and has to many health issues to handle a dog of this size right now. He is a really good boy and so sweet and he will be great in a new home with another dog or even by himself and with children older then 7 yrs only because he is so active and big. We will however consider a home with younger children if the home has owned giant breed dogs before. Oliver is still a puppy and will chew so we are happy he is crate trained. Oliver likes to go for car rides and loves his costco doggy beds.
More about Oliver
Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Playful, Affectionate
Other Pictures of Oliver (click to see larger version):
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if you are surrendering a dog please email or text pics of the dog to 602-281-0901 and note your name and which dog it is or email Thank You